From The Gateway Pundit's Brian Lupo this morning, "Yesterday, The Gateway Pundit reported on the Mockingbird Media’s new found fascination with Coffee County, a small Georgia county of just 43,000 Americans.  The Washington Post alone has published no less than 4 articles in the last two weeks on Coffee.  If you only read the Mockingbird Media’s account of the events, you may believe that a rogue GOP chairwoman and “pro-Trump businessman” hijacked the Coffee County Elections office and snuck in a team of black hat hackers who covertly “breached” the entire State’s election infrastructure and compromised every future election in the state all because some deranged Trump supporters couldn’t cope with a loss in the 'most secure election ever' and were frantically searching for a single shred of evidence that something malicious occurred in the 2020 election."

The mockingbirds forgot to mention one thing: The imaging of machines in Coffee County was required to occur due to a legal hold issued to the county. 

"Now, through newly obtained documents by The Gateway Pundit, we are learning why the officials in Coffee County may have felt it necessary to bring in an e-discovery preservation firm: Coffee County was issued a litigation hold by attorneys for L. Lin Wood, Jr. and Donald J. Trump on January 5th, 2021, two days before the imaging occurred. This litigation hold included 'machines used to calculate votes, including software documentation connected with the machines' and 'USB, compact flash drives, portable drives, and/or hard drives of any kind used for storing data relating to the election process, votes and audits.'"

Is it weird that the media forgot to mention this detail in their hysteria about Coffee County's "election breach," which wasn't, in fact, a breach, but rather a requirement taking place under the law?

Brian Lupo joined the show this morning to break down the newly discovered nuance, and discuss how this is not, in fact, sloppy reporting or accidential omission. It's the narrative. 

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