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Dear Congress: 

Project Veritas released shocking interviews with children who are being trafficked by the US federal government through the Office of Refugee Resettlement, Health and Human Services, and the Department of Homeland Security. 

Border Patrol heroes have been blowing the whistle on the government’s human trafficking operation since before Biden’s inauguration. 

When Biden was supposedly elected – impeach him immediately – conditions on the border immediately changed. Border agents described it as a faucet turned from trickle to full blast. It hasn’t stopped and there are estimates of as many as 6 million new illegal aliens residing in the US since Biden took office. 

But the horror described in the Project Veritas videos DEMANDS YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. Children are being trafficked for sex and labor. The government is placing them with illegal aliens as sponsors, and the children are physically abused, threatened with deportation, and psychologically tortured.

American tax dollars are paying for this, and the Executive Branch of the US government is enabling and involved in this horrific crime. 

According to the ORR whistleblower, the Biden Administrations Unaccompanied Child policy moves the children every 14 days, upon pain of lawfare, as she said, “We don’t get sued by the Cartels.” Why would that be the policy, especially when you consider that another part of the policy prohibits fingerprinting or photographing Unaccompanied Children?

The cartel’s final and, to their criminal enterprise, most dangerous and expensive leg of the trafficking journey is completed by the federal agencies, the children are placed with abusive cartel “sponsors” posing as family members, and the most vulnerable in our society are enslaved to “pay off” their journey to freedom. 

This is the evidence before you, as the primary branch of government responsible for checking and balancing the Executive branch. 

DEMAND FOR REMEDY: You must immediately act to expel the cartels, save the children and hold the criminals perpetuating this horror accountable.